Source code for starforge.cache

from __future__ import absolute_import

import subprocess

from os import makedirs, listdir
from os.path import exists, join, basename
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse

import requests
import yaml
from pkg_resources import parse_version
from six import with_metaclass

from .io import warn, info, debug, fatal

[docs]class BaseCacher(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): def __init__(self, cache_path): if not exists(cache_path): makedirs(cache_path) self.cache_path = cache_path
[docs] def abspath(self, name): return join(self.cache_path, name)
[docs] @abstractmethod def check(self, name, **kwargs): """ """
[docs] @abstractmethod def cache(self, name, **kwargs): """ """
[docs]class TarballCacher(BaseCacher): def __init__(self, cache_path): cache_path = join(cache_path, 'tarballs') super(TarballCacher, self).__init__(cache_path)
[docs] def check(self, name, version=None): if version is None: cfpath = self.abspath(name) if exists(cfpath): return cfpath else: name = name.lower() for cfile in listdir(self.cache_path): if cfile.lower().startswith(name + '-'): cver = cfile[len(name + '-'):] if cver.endswith('.tar.gz'): ext = len('.tar.gz') elif cver.endswith('.tgz'): ext = len('.tgz') elif cver.endswith('.tar.bz2'): ext = len('.tar.bz2') elif cver.endswith('.zip'): ext = len('.zip') else: warn('Unknown extension on cached file: %s', cfile) continue cver = cver[:-ext] if parse_version(cver) == parse_version(version): return self.abspath(cfile) return None
[docs]class PlatformStringCacher(BaseCacher): cache_file = '__platform_cache.yml' def __init__(self, cache_path): super(PlatformStringCacher, self).__init__(cache_path) self.cache_file = join(cache_path, PlatformStringCacher.cache_file) if not exists(self.cache_file): with open(self.cache_file, 'w') as handle: handle.write(yaml.dump({}))
[docs] def check(self, name, **kwargs): platforms = yaml.safe_load(open(self.cache_file).read()) return platforms.get(name, None)
[docs] def cache(self, name, execctx=None, buildpy='python', plat_specific=False, **kwargs): platforms = yaml.safe_load(open(self.cache_file).read()) if name not in platforms: with execctx() as run: # ugly... cmd = "python -c 'import os; print os.uname()[4]'" arch = run(cmd, capture_output=True).splitlines()[0].strip() if plat_specific: cmd = ("{buildpy} -c 'import starforge.interface.wheel; " "print starforge.interface.wheel.get_platforms" "(major_only=True)[0]'".format(buildpy=buildpy)) else: cmd = ("{buildpy} -c 'import wheel.pep425tags; " "print wheel.pep425tags.get_platforms" "(major_only=True)[0]'".format(buildpy=buildpy)) cmd = cmd.format(arch=arch) platform = run( cmd, capture_output=True ).splitlines()[0].strip() platforms[name] = platform with open(self.cache_file, 'w') as handle: handle.write(yaml.dump(platforms)) return platforms[name]
[docs]class UrlCacher(TarballCacher):
[docs] def check(self, name, **kwargs): tgz = basename(urlparse(name).path) return super(UrlCacher, self).check(tgz)
[docs] def cache(self, name, **kwargs): cfpath = self.check(name) tgz = basename(urlparse(name).path) if cfpath is not None: info('Using cached file: %s', cfpath) else: cfpath = self.abspath(tgz) r = requests.get(name) with open(cfpath, 'wb') as handle: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): handle.write(chunk)
[docs]class PipSourceCacher(TarballCacher):
[docs] def cache(self, name, version=None, fail_ok=False, **kwargs): if version is None: fatal('A version must be provided when caching from pip') cfpath = self.check(name, version=version) if cfpath is not None: info('Using cached sdist: %s', cfpath) else: try: # TODO: use the pip API cmd = [ 'pip', '--no-cache-dir', 'install', '-d', self.cache_path, '--no-binary', ':all:', '--no-deps', name + '==' + version ] info('Fetching sdist: %s', name) debug('Executing: %s', ' '.join(cmd)) subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: if not fail_ok: raise
[docs]class CacheManager(object): def __init__(self, cache_path): self.cache_path = cache_path self.cachers = {} self.load_cachers()
[docs] def load_cachers(self): self.cachers['pip'] = PipSourceCacher(self.cache_path) self.cachers['url'] = UrlCacher(self.cache_path) self.cachers['platform'] = PlatformStringCacher(self.cache_path)
[docs] def pip_check(self, name, version): return self.cachers['pip'].check(name, version=version)
[docs] def url_check(self, name): return self.cachers['url'].check(name)
[docs] def platform_check(self, name): return self.cachers['platform'].check(name)
[docs] def pip_cache(self, name, version, fail_ok=False): return self.cachers['pip'].cache( name, version=version, fail_ok=fail_ok)
[docs] def url_cache(self, name): return self.cachers['url'].cache(name)
[docs] def platform_cache(self, name, execctx, buildpy, plat_specific=False): return self.cachers['platform'].cache( name, execctx=execctx, buildpy=buildpy, plat_specific=plat_specific)