Source code for starforge.forge.wheels

Forge wheels
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import shlex
import subprocess
from os import (
from os.path import (
from shutil import (

from pkg_resources import parse_version

from import debug, info, warn
from ..util import Archive

SETUP_PY_WRAPPER = '''#!/usr/bin/env python
with open('') as f:
    code = compile(, '', 'exec')
AUDITWHEEL_CMD = 'for whl in dist/*.whl; do auditwheel {auditwheel_args} $whl; rm $whl; done'
DELOCATE_CMD = 'for whl in dist/*.whl; do delocate-wheel {delocate_args} $whl; done'
DEFAULT_AUDITWHEEL_ARGS = 'repair -w dist'

[docs]class ForgeWheel(object): def __init__(self, wheel_config, cache_manager, exec_context, image=None): self.wheel_config = wheel_config = self.version = wheel_config.version self.src_urls = wheel_config.sources self.cache_manager = cache_manager self.exec_context = exec_context self.image = image
[docs] def cache_sources(self): fail_ok = self.src_urls != [] self.cache_manager.pip_cache(, self.version, fail_ok=fail_ok) for src_url in self.src_urls: self.cache_manager.url_cache(src_url)
[docs] def get_expected_names(self): wheels = [] py = 'py2' if self.wheel_config.purepy: # need to check universal cached_source = self.cache_manager.pip_check(, self.version) missing = '%s %s' % (, self.version) if cached_source is None: if self.src_urls: cached_source = self.cache_manager.url_check( self.src_urls[0]) missing = self.src_urls[0] assert cached_source is not None, 'Cache failure on: %s' % missing arc = if arc.universal: py = 'py2.py3' whl = ('{name}-{version}-{py}-none-any.whl' .format('-', '_'), version=str(parse_version(self.version)), py=py)) wheels = [whl] else: platform = None if self.image: # get forced platform name if any platform = self.image.plat_name if platform is None: platform = self.cache_manager.platform_cache(, self.exec_context, self.image.pythons[0], self.image.plat_specific) for python in self.image.pythons: # FIXME: this forces a very specific naming (i.e. # '/pythons/cp{py}{flags}-{arch}/') abi = python.split('/')[2].split('-')[0] py = abi[2:4] whl = ('{name}-{version}-cp{py}-{abi}-{platform}.whl' .format('-', '_'), version=str(parse_version(self.version)), py=py, abi=abi, platform=platform)) wheels.append(whl) return wheels
[docs] def get_sdist_expected_names(self): tarballs = [] extensions = ('zip', 'tar.gz') for ext in extensions: tarballs.append('{name}-{version}.{ext}' .format(, version=str(parse_version(self.version)), ext=ext)) return tarballs
[docs] def execute(self, cmd, cwd=None): debug('Executing: %s', ' '.join(cmd)) with self.exec_context() as run: run(cmd, cwd=cwd)
def _get_prebuild_command(self, step): prebuild = self.wheel_config.prebuild # if prebuild is just a string then it's the `all` prebuild # command, but a dict with an explicit `all` key is also allowed # (and allows for `all` in combination with other prebuild commands) if step != 'all' and not isinstance(prebuild, dict): prebuild = None elif step != 'all' or isinstance(prebuild, dict): prebuild = prebuild.get(step, None) debug("Prebuild command for '%s' step is: %s", step, prebuild) return prebuild def _prep_build(self, build, output, uid, gid): if output: if not exists(output): makedirs(output) chown(output, uid, gid) src_paths = [] pip_path = self.cache_manager.pip_check(, self.version) if pip_path is not None: src_paths.append(pip_path) for src_url in self.wheel_config.sources: src_paths.append(self.cache_manager.url_check(src_url)) root = None for i, arc_path in enumerate(src_paths): arc = assert len(arc.roots) == 1, \ "Could not determine root directory in archive" root_t = abspath(join(getcwd(), next(iter(arc.roots)))) os.environ['SRC_ROOT_%d' % i] = root_t # will cd to first root if i == 0: os.environ['SRC_ROOT'] = root_t root = root_t # TODO: don't use extractall (but since we *should* be running # under docker, we shouldn't need to care) arc.extractall(build) assert root is not None, "Unable to determine root directory" prebuild = self._get_prebuild_command('all') if prebuild is not None: subprocess.check_call(prebuild, shell=True) return root
[docs] def bdist_wheel(self, output=None, uid=-1, gid=-1): # TODO: a lot of stuff in this method like installing from the package # manager and changing permissions should be abstracted out for # non-wheel executions uid = int(uid) gid = int(gid) arch = uname()[4] build = abspath(getcwd()) pythons = [] if self.image: pythons = self.image.pythons platform = self.image.plat_name pkgtool = self.image.pkgtool else: pythons = ['python'] platform = None pkgtool = None if platform is not None and self.image.force_plat: info('Platform name forced to: %s', platform) pkgs = self.wheel_config.get_dependencies( if pkgs: if pkgtool == 'apt': if arch == 'i686' and exists('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu'): # multiarch install pkgs = ['%s:i386' % x for x in pkgs] os.environ['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' self.execute(['apt-get', '-qq', 'update']) self.execute(['apt-get', 'install', '--no-install-recommends', '-y'] + pkgs) elif pkgtool == 'yum': self.execute(['yum', 'install', '-y'] + pkgs) elif pkgtool == 'zypper': self.execute(['zypper', '-n', 'in'] + pkgs) elif pkgtool == 'brew': if '/usr/local/bin' not in os.environ['PATH']: os.environ['PATH'] = '/usr/local/bin:' + os.environ['PATH'] # FIXME: this sudo usage is specific to the macOS images in use in the Galaxy Jenkins architecture. self.execute(['sudo', '-i', '-u', 'admin', 'brew', 'install'] + pkgs, cwd='/tmp') else: warn('Skipping installation of dependencies: %s', ', '.join(pkgs)) root = self._prep_build(build, output, uid, gid) prebuild = self._get_prebuild_command('wheel') if prebuild is not None: subprocess.check_call(prebuild, shell=True) chdir(join(build, root)) if self.wheel_config.insert_setuptools or self.image.plat_specific: rename('', '') with open('', 'w') as handle: handle.write(SETUP_PY_WRAPPER.format( import_interface_wheel='import starforge.interface.wheel' if self.image.plat_specific else '', import_setuptools='import setuptools' if self.wheel_config.insert_setuptools else '')) for py in pythons: py = py.format(arch=arch) build_args = [] if pkgs and pkgtool == 'brew': build_args.extend(['build_ext', '-I', '/usr/local/include', '-L', '/usr/local/lib', '-R', '/usr/local/lib']) build_args.extend(shlex.split(self.wheel_config.build_args)) cmd = [py, ''] + build_args if platform is not None and self.image.force_plat: cmd.append('--plat-name=%s' % platform) self.execute(cmd) rmtree('build') if self.image.use_auditwheel: auditwheel_cmd = AUDITWHEEL_CMD.format(auditwheel_args=self.wheel_config.auditwheel_args or DEFAULT_AUDITWHEEL_ARGS) info('Running auditwheel command: %s', auditwheel_cmd) subprocess.check_call(auditwheel_cmd, shell=True) if self.image.use_delocate: delocate_cmd = DELOCATE_CMD.format(delocate_args=self.wheel_config.delocate_args or DEFAULT_DELOCATE_ARGS) info('Running delocate command: %s', delocate_cmd) subprocess.check_call(delocate_cmd, shell=True) if self.image.postbuild is not None: info('Running image postbuild command: %s', self.image.postbuild) subprocess.check_call(self.image.postbuild, shell=True) if output: for f in listdir('dist'): copy(join('dist', f), output) chown(join(output, f), uid, gid)
[docs] def sdist(self, output=None, uid=-1, gid=-1): uid = int(uid) gid = int(gid) arch = uname()[4] build = abspath(getcwd()) root = self._prep_build(build, output, uid, gid) prebuild = self._get_prebuild_command('sdist') if prebuild is not None: subprocess.check_call(prebuild, shell=True) chdir(join(build, root)) if self.image: python = self.image.pythons[0].format(arch=arch) else: python = 'python' cmd = [python, '', 'sdist'] self.execute(cmd) if output: for f in listdir('dist'): copy(join('dist', f), output) chown(join(output, f), uid, gid)